朱其立 教 授
2013年Google Faculty Research Award获得者
著名数据库国际会议DASFAA 2014 Best Paper Award获得者
1999 年和2005 年在新加坡国立大学(NUS)获得电子工程学士(荣誉)学位和计算机科学博士学位并获Dean’s Graduate Award。
2005 年到2007 年在美国微软从事软件设计工程师工作。
2007 年到2009 年他在美国普林斯顿大学担任博士后研究员和讲师。
2010年3 月至9 月他获得微软亚洲研究院铸星计划资助并以访问教授身份访问微软。
已在国际顶级会议及杂志上发表论文80余篇,被引用两千多次,单篇引用高达600多次, h-index 20。他是著名国际会议WWW, IJCAI,AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, CIKM, ECML, COLING等的程序委员会委员,并且是著名国际期刊PVLDB, TKDE, TKDD,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,Artificial Intelligence in Engineering等的评委。
他的研究迄今为止已获得国家自然科学基金、教育部、微软、谷歌、阿里巴巴、甲骨文、摩根士丹利、阿斯利康等机构和企业的资金支持,并获得美国发明专利两项,中国发明专利九项。朱其立是2013年度Google Faculty Research Award以及著名数据库国际会议DASFAA 2014 Best Paper Award的获得者。
—— 大数据是金融科技之源与基
1.Xusheng Luo, Luxin Liu, Le Bo, Yuanpeng Cao, Yonghua Yang, Keping Yang and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of SIGMOD 2020.AliCoco: Alibaba E-Commerce Cognitive Concept Net.
2.Qi Jia, Mengxue Zhang, Shengyao Zhang and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of ECAI 2020 . Matching Questions and Answers in Dialogues from Online Forums.
3.Zuyi Bao, Rui Huang, Chen Li and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of EMNLP 2019. Low-Resource Sequence Labeling via Unsupervised Multilingual Contextualized Representations.
4.Xusheng Luo, Yonghua Yang, Kenny Q. Zhu, Yu Gong and Keping Yang. In the Proceedings of CIKM 2019 . Conceptualize and Infer User Needs in E-commerce.
5.Yu Gong, Yu Zhu, Lu Duan, Qingwen Liu, Ziyu Guan, Fei Sun, Wenwu Ou, and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of KDD 2019 . Exact-K Recommendation via Maximal Clique Optimization.
6.Kangqi Luo, Jinyi Lu, Kenny Q. Zhu*, Weiguo Gao, Jia Wei, and Meizhuo Zhang. In Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol 107 . Layout-aware information extraction from semi-structured medical images.
7.Mengxue Zhang, Meizhuo Zhang, Chen Ge, Quanyang Liu, Jiemin Wang, Jia Wei and Kenny Q. Zhu*. In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DAMI), 2019. Automatic Discovery of Adverse Reactions through Chinese Social Media.
8.Ran Bai, Wing-Kai Hon, Eric Lo, Zhian He, Kenny Q. Zhu*. In ACM Trans. Database Systems 44(1), 2019.Historic Moments Discovery in Sequence Data.
9.Zhuoyue Zhao, Jialing Pei, Kenny Q. Zhu, Eric Lo, Chris Liu. In the Proceedings of IEEE BigComp 2019. InferSpark: Statistical Inference at Scale.
10.Yu Gong, Xusheng Luo, Kenny Q. Zhu, Wenwu Ou, Zhao Li, Lu Duan. In the proceedings of IAAI 2019.
11.Zhiyi Luo, Shanshan Huang and Kenny Q. Zhu. In Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2019, Vol 55, Issue 2. Knowledge empowered prominent aspect extraction from product reviews.
12.Yizhu Liu, Zhiyi Luo and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of EMNLP 2018. Controlling Length in Abstractive Summarization Using a Convolutional Neural Network.
13.Zhiyi Luo, Shanshan Huang, Frank F. Xu, Bill Yuchen Lin, Hanyuan Shi and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of EMNLP 2018. ExtRA: Extracting Prominent Review Aspects from Customer Feedback
14.Kangqi Luo, Fengli Lin, Xusheng Luo and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of EMNLP 2018. Knowledge Base Question Answering via Encoding of Complex Query Graphs
15.Junjie Xing, Kenny Q. Zhu and Shaodian Zhang. In the Proceedings of COLING 2018. Adaptive Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation in Medical Text.
16.Bill Y. Lin, Frank F. Xu, Kenny Q. Zhu and Seung-won Hwang. In the Proceedings of ACL 2018. Mining Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Social Media.
17.Frank F. Xu, Bill Y. Lin, and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of ACL 2018. Automatic Extraction of Commonsense LocatedNear Knowledge.
18.Wenjing Fang, Jun Zhou, Xiaolong Li and Kenny Q. Zhu In the Proceedings of DASFAA 2018 (Industrial Track). Unpack Local Model Interpretation for GBDT.
19.Yuding Liang and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of AAAI 2018. Automatic Generation of Text Descriptive Comments for Code Blocks.
20.Xusheng Luo, Kangqi Luo, Xianyang Chen and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of AAAI 2018. Cross-Lingual Entity Linking for Web Tables.
21.Frank F. Xu, Bill Y. Lin and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC@NIPS), 2017. Commonsense LocatedNear Relation Extraction from Large Text.
22.Bill Y. Lin, Frank F. Xu, Zhiyi Luo and Kenny Q. Zhu. In the Proceedings of ACL WNUT 2017.Multi-channel BiLSTM-CRF Model for Emerging Named Entity Recognition in Social Media.