

李峰教授现任上海交通大学上海高级金融学院副教授、会计学教授、中国金融研究院副院长及上海高金金融研究院联席院长。李峰教授于2015年全职回国, 2016年至2018年担任上海高级金融学院学位项目副院长。加盟SAIF之前,李峰教授曾任职于密歇根大学罗斯商学院, 2004年至2011年担任安永讲席会计学助理教授,2011年成为Harry Jones讲席会计学副教授(终身教职),CGFT学术委员会主席。


李峰教授的研究领域包括财务报表分析、大数据文本挖掘、资产定价与风险管理,其论文发表在Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, 以及Journal of Financial Economics 等国际著名学术期刊。由于在科研和学术上的卓越贡献,2018年美国会计学会授予李峰教授“会计文献杰出研究贡献”奖,表彰其过去15年内对会计学教育、实践或未来会计学研究做出独特重大的贡献。


2005,芝加哥大学,工商管理学 (会计和金融经济领域),博士学位;


—— 掌握金融分析基础语言


1. Chen, Huafeng (Jason), Shaojun (Jenny) Chen, Zhuo Chen, and Feng Li, 2019, Empirical Investigation of an Equity Pairs Trading Strategy, Management Science.

2. Chen, Jason V., and Feng Li, 2015, Discussion of“Textual Analysis and International Financial Reporting: Large Sample Evidence”, Journal of Accounting Economics.

3. Li, Feng, Michael Minnis, Venky Nagar, and Madhav Rajan, 2014, Knowledge, Compensation, and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis of Firm Communication, Journal of Accounting Economics.

4. Li, Feng, Russell Lundholm, and Michaael Minnis, 2013, A measure of competition based on 10-K filings, Journal of Accounting Research.

5. Dichev, Ilia D., and Feng Li, 2013, Growth and Accounting Choice, Australian Journal of Management.

6. Li, Feng, and Venky Nagar, 2013, Diversity and Performance, Management Science.

7. Li, Feng, 2012, Discussion of Analyzing Speech to Detect Financial Misreporting, Journal of Accounting Research.

8. Lehavy, Reuven, Feng Li, and Kenneth Merkley, 2011, The Effect of Annual Report Readability on Analyst Following and the Properties of Their Earnings Forecasts, The Accounting Review.

9. Li, Feng, 2011, Earnings Quality Based on Corporate Investment Decisions, Journal of Accounting Research.

10. Li, Feng, and Suraj Srinivasan, 2011, Corporate Governance when Founders are Directors, Journal of Financial Economics.

11. Li, Feng, 2010, Textual Analysis of Corporate Disclosures: A Survey of the Literature, Journal of Accounting Literature.

12. Li, Feng, 2010, The Information Content of Forward-looking Statements in Corporate Filings-A Naive Bayesian Machine Learning Approach, Journal of Accounting Research.

13. Li, Feng, 2008, Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, and Earnings Persistence, Journal of Accounting Economics.

14. Wong, Franco M.H., and Feng Li, 2005, Employee Stock Options and Equity Valuation, Journal of Accounting Research.

15. Li, Feng, Jun QJ Qian, Haofei Wang, and Julie Zhu, 2019, Stock Pledged Loans and the Bear Market of 2018 in China: Is there a Connection?.

16. Bian, Shibo, Dekui Jia, Feng Li, and Zhipeng Yan, 2019, Do Small Investors Matter?.

17. Chen, Huafeng, Jason V. Chen, Feng Li, and Pengfei Li, 2019, Another Look at Operating Leverage and Stock Returns.

18. Kothari, S.P., Feng Li, and Xu Li, 2019, Monitoring Role of the Press – Evidence from Press Coverage of Chinese Firms Listed in the U.S..

19. Li, Feng, Kemin Wang, and Xin Zhang, 2017, RD Disclosure and Firm Valuation.

20. Li, Feng, 2017, Managers’ Self-serving Attribution Bias and Corporate Financial Policies.